
About Me-Personal Real Stuff

The REAL stuff...My Personal Story...

When you call me for an appointment, know that you will not be judged in any way. Although I am educated and highly professional, I am also a regular person, and for years I hoped to someday be a person I could admire. I knew I needed to do something to feel better and make my life better so I decided to call a therapist/coach and begin a self-awareness, self-discovery journey. This truly saved my life! I am a recovering co-dependent...I am also an Empath. I learned to be a more positive, self-confident, non-reactive, passionate, genuinely real, and happy person. I learned how to overcome depression, doormat syndrome :), and life-long anxiety! I learned how to manage relationships, and set good boundaries. I began to be a better, more present mother to my three children. I found my passion and have a career that I LOVE!

My husband and I cam e to a place where kids, bills, and life felt like an endless string of groundhog days! We decided to attend marriage therapy and we learned more effective ways to communicate our needs and wants so that we both could feel valued, heard and understood--which made our marriage one to keep.

I learned to be more authentic with my friends and family. When I'm not working, you can find me reading books, writing, having coffee with a friend, laughing, walking in parks, or out on a date with my husband.

For more personal, check out my page to the left "I was a People Pleaser, are you?"

My passion is to help you experience joy, inner peace and really love your life!

Check me out on Facebook and Twitter @ Cindy Jesse Life Coaching and Therapy...

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